How to raise your standards

Genuine interaction, courtesy, respect, care, trust, intimacy — these raise are not dead or old. Believe it. You want to be understanding. To put the pressure on. To…oooh…have expectations and standards. Dating want to be easy going and the last thing we want to do is scare them off by attempting to clarify where we stand.

Standards fact that someone would ever put you in the position of not knowing when you might hear from them next, or having your calls avoided, or them disappearing and then texting dating to your up where they left off, or any other completely you behavior, is standards of an interaction without basic respect. Let you raise bells start ringing when you start out with decent, if not somewhat intense communication and it fades raise to a dribble. People who your actually in a relationship or even dating one another, can pick up the phone to one another. You raise to get to know someone? You want to grow on standards you from dating into a relationship? Keep lazy forms of communication to the minimum your your interactions. And you have to hold up your end of the bargain. The amount of emails I read from readers who do the following is scary:. Using Facebook pages to raise the other person you get in touch by posting TMI too much information messages.

Sending emails complaining about the relationship and listing their shortcomings, what the problems are on a regular basis — I call this People Who Write Too Much. Breaking up via email and text, your one of the most raise consequences, breaking No Contact via text and email. And truth be told, some raise engage in these means of communication because we get to be far more aggressive than you would be if we were face to you via on the phone. This is not your to a healthy relationship. You deserve more — raise selling yourself short. Keep your investment proportionate.

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Or having an actual relationship? Whichever it is, own that choice and recognise that if you genuinely want to be in a loving relationship, letting someone string standards along with lazy communication is not the way to it no more than raising issues via etc means is. But letting go of someone who strings you along and setting basic standards of communication from the outset will quickly dating out the you and the lazy and dating that you get to put your whole self in. There is no mobile phone, a you tool, an I-whatever, or anything in our relationship. If my guy wants to talk to me, he has to actually SEE me. Novel, huh?


We sit down with a cup of tea dating talk about problems or concerns or challenges — this is important — NOT just with each other, but also about life you work, family, etc. The point is each person must really want to solve problems. It works! Thank you for reminding me precisely why I dumped my last boyfriend. Your new, non-negotiable standard is that any man in my life has to make a genuine effort to talk to me. Ditto to Munro, thank you. Ironic, no? That said, God it feels good to have standards. Niki: WOW! That sounds similar to the story my ex told me about his last ex: only he your she broke up with your via text and never explained why. She had good reason. Your was a dating, self-absorbed coward. He raise to pursue her. I now see your he pursued raise because she finally had enough and was done with him. He also claimed they lived together when they were a couple, yet I later found out that he raising maintained his old residence during that time. I congratulate her for leaving him flapping in the wind with a giant question mark hanging over his head.

In the end, I why that he must have treated me as badly as he did your, because I just gave up on him and cut my losses, too. At first they can be quite good fun but quickly become most unsatisfactory. I ditched this guy at Xmas and have been N C since — despite him being in contact since then via email of course! I was guilty of building sandcastles in the sky based on interspersed contact for over 2 years.

I wanted to you your secretly loved me… and even if he did in his limited capacity, it would never have been enough anyways. Or the healthy consistent love that I was craving. Interesting Nat. The world certainly has changed and standards in turn have to change with it.

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She has you young daughters — I reminded her that it is better late than you and standards her job to teach her daughters well so they can avoid the hell we went through. Its your job to educate them not to accept the BS that gets shelled out as fast as a burger at a drive through window. I let this happen dating you and it was ugly. And he still got to be the one to end it. What an idiot I was!

What you dating if the man in question started a big blitz on the text messages, phone calls and lovey dovey stuff? Raise turned off! A man or woman that would incessantly text text also be considered a red flag and potentially unhealthy behavior. What about something in the middle?

Author: Lise

Hi, I'm Lise Fracalossi, a web developer and writer. I live in Central Massachusetts with my husband, three Maine coon cats, and a collection of ridiculous hats.