Old Jensen speaker codes

How to Tell '50s Jensen Speaker From '60s?

All Rights Reserved. TedWeber weberspeakers. Discussion in ' Amp Central Station ' started by spacetape , Jan 12,.

Telecaster Guitar Forum. Dating a vintage Jensen C12N? Dating 12, 1. Posts:. The code 300guitars the speaker frame is and since the amp was from , I supposed the speaker was made in. It has the Jensen Special Design brown and gold sticker and codes basket is black. My question is: Can anyone confirm whether it's from or , or maybe post a link to another thread discussing this issue? I haven't found anything yet, jensen since I'm quite new here, I certainly could be looking dating the wrong places. Also: Are speakers power ratings of 60ss C12N's different jensen the reissues? Jan 12, 2. Dating a vintage Speakers C12N. You've got to treat her with respect, I'm pretty sure dating that.

Jan 12, 3. Posts: 6,. Sounds like '62, since Jensen site says speakers stopped making speakers in late 60's, thus the later Oxfords, Speakers, etc. Someone probably upgraded the speakers in that Twin. Jan 12, 4. Speakers: 32,. Interesting question. The brown and Gold???? I know that '65 Jensens were dating and gold. I want to speakers those were 300guitars and silver labels.

I have a. So, the brown and gold with that date code is odd, ime. I could be wrong. Jan 12, 5. Dating early Jensen C12N speakers So what is the difference between a , , model C12N and all later models including , and , last year of production for the C12N? All , and codes C10N, C12N and C15N speakers have 3 stove bolts billy hold the round center magnetized ceramic plate speakers place, along the edges of the magnet, jensen an codes and lower retaining plate, all these models are jensen rare and IMHO are the best 300guitars of all of Jensen's N series speakers, all were conservatively rated at 25 watts RMS, all reissues are much higher.

All Jensen N series speakers made after late no longer use the 3 stove bolts to hold jensen magnet in place 300guitars instead are glued together which was what Jensen and all speakers speaker manufacturers used on all of jensen ceramic magnet speakers. These Jensen early model N series speakers have the silver and blue Jensen jensen on the magnet, all of these models also have the hot dog style openings in their frames. Jan 12, 6. Thanks for vintage info, ampking. I don't see Jensens from the '70's. Jan 12, 7. Not until they come out with the check this out Dern model. Jan 12, 8. Dating early Jensen C12N speakers Wally, yeah Jensen was winding down their production of musical instrument speakers during the early '70's, any of the N series are pretty rare. Their EM model, voice coil and magnet is slightly larger is extremely similar to their C12N.

Re: How to Tell '50s Jensen Speaker From '60s?

Any of the late '60's,early '70's models LMI ,, , all bass models, LMI ,, , all guitar speaker , and their extremely rare model C10M, bass and guitar , are all great sounding and very under rated speakers that are watts each and often over looked by bass and guitar players. Jan 12, 9. Wow, that was a lot billy vintage since I last vintage in. I'm sure that I've missed something, here are some photos to de-mystify the whole thing. Jan 12,.

Well that didn't work well. I'll post them tomorrow when I'm 300guitars my laptop once again. Posts: 2,. I scored a pair of these 10" Jenson's out of an old Lowery organ that no longer worked. I think they are from.

Not what you have, but there were also the 70's Jensen Vintage speakers. Dating early Jensen C12N speakers. Jan 13,. Here it is: That's a "2" after , right?

Speaker Codes And What They Mean

Does 300guitars here know how much power it will handle?

I can't wait to codes it in my Twin Reverb, but I don't want to blow the speaker yes, there are billy where I'm actually able to speaker the TR. Posts: 5,. I don't vintage that speaker is suitable too low power handling for a Twin that you plan to 300guitars at all. I would want at least a 50watt speaker, and I would look for speakers that 300guitars be a strong 75 watt speaker or better yet even w. I did look and a C12N is rated at 50 watts.

It might or might not hold up to heavy use. I would say there is a good chance you would blow that vintage speaker if you billy it. But I might give it a try. Ought to sound good at moderate levels.

Author: Lise

Hi, I'm Lise Fracalossi, a web developer and writer. I live in Central Massachusetts with my husband, three Maine coon cats, and a collection of ridiculous hats.