Project: InsiderPro
Date: August 2019
Involvement: I was the principal front-end developer on this project, as part of my role as a senior front-end developer at IDG. UX team member James Kocik designed the comp, according to the requirements of Mark Lewis, manager of IDG’s Insider products. As this was a clone of an existing site, minimal back-end work was required.
Description: InsiderPro is IDG’s first paid subscription site, and its design is modeled after other sites in IDG’s portfolio, i.e. CIO. Therefore most of my work was “theming” — adjusting the site styles on top of the base HTML that all such sites use.
The article gating, subscription offer, and login/account management functionality were implemented using third-party Piano’s Composer, VX, and ID tools, with some extra custom JavaScript on our end. The goal of total experience was to encourage users to sign up for a subscription plan, and to only allow them to read full articles if they had subscribed. The Piano experiences were piped into our site via iframes, and thus I also needed to work in Piano’s web interface in order to bring the HTML/CSS into line with InsiderPro’s branding.
Technologies: Front-end: HTML, CSS (including Flexbox), JavaScript, JQuery. Back-end: Java, JSP, Struts, running our custom in-house CMS. Third party: Piano’s Composer, VX, and ID tools.
Status: I no longer maintain this, but the site is still live and using the same design and code.
The top of IDG’s InsiderPro homepage, showing the hero with the top stories. Lower down the InsiderPro homepage, showing trending topics, the featured promo module, and the top of the crawl (list of all content by date) Showing the “megamenu,” a large, full-page menu unique to each IDG site and edition. The subscription page. The offer section is brought in via Piano, and unique branding styles and markup were added by me. The login modal window. The login functionality is provided by Piano’s ID product, but is styled by me. Top of an InsiderPro article page.