Links & Accomplishments, 10/1/2017 to 10/7/2017

Brief Update

Expressed with pluses and minus:

+ Matt’s and my 13th anniversary was yesterday, celebrated with a trip to the happiest place on Earth: the Melting Pot.
+ I wrote ~7000 words this weekend on a new story!
+ Our guild finally downed Kil’jaeden in heroic Tomb of Sargeras in WoW.

– Ulnar neuropathy is status quo. Still numb. It might be getting better, but infinitely slowly.
– The story I’m working on is best titled The Story That Shouldn’t Be, because it has no audience except me. It’s basically a fantasy romance, but people who haven’t read Lioness have no reason to care about these characters, and people who have are more likely to wonder why I’m writing the pairing I’m writing. In answer: because it tickles me.
– Internet has been on the fritz, and has picked delightful times to just stop working — like in the middle of heroic Sisters of the Moon, with me healing and Matt tanking.
– Our septic system started backing up again this weekend! Seeing as we just had the tank emptied in August, this meant a blockage. We had an emergency visit from Roto Rooter, and someone is coming with a camera later this week to make sure the main line hasn’t collapsed. Again.
– My cat Brianna has been wheezing for five days or so now. We took her to the vet after it started, not too alarmed, as she was still eating and being her normal bitchy self. They told us it was probably some sort of sinus infection and gave us antibiotics, saying it didn’t seem like there was any lung involvement. There was no improvement, and in fact it seemed to get worse, so Matt took her to the emergency vet this morning. They saw definite lung involvement, so she’s now on oxygen and steroids, with a probable diagnosis of asthma or pneumonia. (And hopefully not heartworm or lungworm or lung cancer…)
– I fucked up my sleep schedule something awful this weekend, and ended up awake until… I don’t even know. 4 or 5 or 6am. So now I am taking a sick day because I am a wreck.


I went looking for the origin of New Englanders’ love of Dunkin’ Donuts, and somehow ended up on a couple of essays by Michael Deresiewicz on The American Scholar, the magazine of Phi Beta Kappa. They synergized well with the current stuff going through my head about deep work, thanks to my recent read of Cal Newport’s book of the same name.

The Disadvantages of an Elite Education. I identified a lot with this one, having attended Vassar, which is a Seven Sisters college. In particular, this quote explains why I tend to struggle to build a writing career — I feel like it should be easier than it is:

They were talking about trying to write poetry, how friends of theirs from college called it quits within a year or two while people they know from less prestigious schools are still at it. Why should this be? Because students from elite schools expect success, and expect it now. They have, by definition, never experienced anything else, and their sense of self has been built around their ability to succeed. The idea of not being successful terrifies them, disorients them, defeats them.

I also enjoyed Deresiewicz’ essay on Solitude and Leadership.


– Attended writing group
– Did ~2h of work on Lioness edits
– Wrote 2800 words on a new story in the world of Lioness
– Submitted “The Mirrors of Her Eyes” to Uncanny Magazine
– Submitted “Granny Hubbard” to Flash Fiction Online

– Read “Fluency”, by Matt Mikalatos, in Flash Fiction Online

Other Media
– Watched the RiffTrax of Oblivion — not the Tom Cruise movie, but a cheesy 90s sci-fi Western with George Takei as a drunken old-timey doctor making terrible Star Trek jokes (i.e. as he takes a swig of whiskey, “Jim Beam me up”). My commentary on this was largely, “This is the worst Sparks Nevada fanfic I’ve ever read.”
– Listened to Food Stuff, “You Butter Believe It’s a Two-Parter: Part 2”
– Listened to Food Stuff, “You Say Tomato, I Say Wolfpeach”
– Listened to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, “Bicameralism, Part 2: The Silent Pantheon.” I find the theory of the bicameral mind utterly fascinating, all the while admitting it seems improbable. However, I might use it to explain the differences between the two different types of uplifted creatures in Gods and Fathers, if I ever go back to that novel…
– Listened to Writing Excuses 12.34 – 12.36
– (finally finally finally) Downed Kil’jaeden in heroic Tomb of Sargeras, and got that cherished Ahead of the Curve achievement. (With a month to spare until Antorus comes out!) It was, as all our first kills are, “clean as fuck” — with only one tank, one healer, and two DPS surviving to the end. I survived until about 4% (I was the third and definitely weakest healer, on my resto shaman), but fuck phase three, fuck those obelisks, fuck that blazing orb, fuck Gravity Squeeze.

– Had dinner at Cracker Barrel post-Madrigal with EB
– Celebrated my 13th anniversary with Matt at The Melting Pot

– 1.4mi walk
– Did Zombies Run! S1E22 (2.44mi in 37:56)
– Did Zombies Run! S1E23 (1.90mi in 29:31) — and with that, finished season one!
– Had a massage

Rejection Log

– 10 day rejection from DSF for “Granny Hubbard vs. the Giant Slime”
– 12 day rejection from Fireside for “The Mirrors of Her Eyes”

Picture of the Week

Well, of course I had to share the pic from our heroic KJ kill. (I’m the dwarf shaman Terbodhna, hiding behind Aegwynn and looking fabulous…)

KotN heroic KJ kill, with Illi-chan, because Zallak insisted.

We’re apparently going to group up with another guild to try mythic tonight. What a shitshow that’s going to be… I watched the video for Sisters of the Moon and was like NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.

Note: As last week, I’m still on my social media hiatus, so comment here or message me if you want to chat about anything in particular…

Links & Accomplishments, 9/24/2017 to 9/30/2017


I was feeling down due to my ongoing ulnar neuropathy, so EB sent me this to cheer me up: A Portrait of James I’s ‘Husband’ Has Reappeared in Glasgow. Many of you may know my interest in, as I have joked, “hot historical homosexuals”*, and I’ve been particularly intrigued by the odd relationship between James I and the first Duke of Buckingham. (Indeed, this Buckingham — the Buckingham of The Three Musketeers — is in part the inspiration for the character of Bizel in Lioness).

So yes, seeing this lovely Rubens of him — which I’d seen before, but like everyone else, had assumed was the work of a different artist — fills me with glee πŸ™‚

Also, fun fact! The article mentions that the King referred to Buckingham as “Steenie” after St. Stephen, who was said to have the face of an angel. True, that! But more specifically, he was comparing him to a painting of St. Stephen that was once in his home. If that strikes you as a little odd, keep in mind James was prooooobably getting a little senile by the time he met Buckingham…

(I maintain there was probably syphilis running through the Stuarts. Blame Lord Darnley).

(Also while James I is not my favorite Stuart king, he is up there in my estimation. I like to imagine him loping around Whitehall, being eccentric and aggressively Scottish at things).

*Well, bisexual; and sexual orientation is a thoroughly 20th-century concept, anyway. But that isn’t nearly so euphonic.


– Read Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner

Other Media
– Watched RiffTrax of Psychotronic Man
– Watched Penny Dreadful S1E1
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “The Problem With a Pinterest-Perfect Life”
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “Baby Powder is Killing Black Women”
– Listened to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, “Bicameralism, Part 1: The Voice of God”
– Listened to Food Stuff, “Expiration Dates: Best if Listened By”
– Listened to Food Stuff, “You Butter Believe It’s a Two-Parter: Part 1”

– NPCed for Madrigal 3. Borderline, this, since the event ended on Sunday, but I’ll allow it πŸ˜‰

– Did Zombies Run! S1E20 (1.85mi in 30:16)
– Did Zombies Run! S1E21 (1.73mi in 27:44)
– Did Ninja Fitness Endurance workout #4, Agility #2, Zen #4, as well as some freeform core exercises (crunches, dead bugs, alternate heel touchers)
– Had a whole slew of medical stuff done (blood work, an appointment with an orthopedist/hand specialist, and a nerve conduction study/EMG. The latter I highly ANTI-recommend)

Picture of the Week

Again borderline, since it’s from Sunday of Madrigal. But I already know what you’re getting as next week’s pic, so here, I am, orcing it up for the final field fight of the weekend:

As you’ll recall, I made this costume for the first event of Mad3 — and aside from fifteen minutes at the campaign opener, I haven’t gotten to use it since. So when Griff approached me on Sunday and asked if I had the costume with me, I was all HELLZ YEAH.

It was also my first time really being a lieutenant/boss in a field fight! And my first time getting to throw Death effects. (Luckily for the PCs, the one I threw missed).

Pro-tip: orc skirts need a proper belt to them, or they may end up around your feet, showing off the latest in orc lingerie.

Oh, and a reminder: I’m still doing my social media hiatus, so if you want to discuss anything in this post with me, drop a comment below.

Brief Update & Accomplishments, 9/17/2017 to 9/23/2017

I live! Aside from the fact that my ulnar nerve in my left arm is no longer on speaking terms with me, I am doing pretty well, having finally crawled out of a depressive episode of over a month.

However, I have sworn off social media for the next thirty days, so if you want to reach me, the best bet is a)texting/messaging me (I’m still using FB Messenger, even if I’m not using Facebook), b) I dunno, smoke signals? I decided to try this social media sabbatical on somewhat of a lark, but I’m finding it delightful not to feel like I have the universe yelling in my ear all the time. I may never come back!

(And yes, I’m still crossposting to social media. If you want to reply to something from this post, your best bet is commenting here, because I sure won’t see it otherwise).

To be frank, I shouldn’t underplay the problem with my left arm. My pinkie and ring finger have been numb for three weeks now. I’m scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, and to have a nerve conduction study with a physiatrist next month, but in the meantime I have no relief. I try to stay positive, but my work involves typing, and my hobbies generally do, too, so it’s exceptionally hard not being able to do what I want.

In the meantime, here’s what I’ve been up to this week.


– Edited FSOTU story “Pinions” for writing group
– Did a second editing pass of FSOTU story “The Mirrors of Her Eyes”
– Submitted “Mirrors” to Clarkesworld (and got a prompt rejection)
– Submitted “Mirrors” to Fireside
– Did a second editing pass of FSOTU story “Granny Hubbard vs. the Giant Slime”
– Submitted “Granny Hubbard” to Daily Science Fiction

– (Re)read The Dragonbone Chair, by Tad Williams
– Read Deep Work, by Cal Newport

Other Media
– Listened to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, “The Psychology of Tattoos”
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “Women & White Supremacy”
– Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, episode 131-133

– Took trip to New Hampshire with EB
– Visited the Hamilton Smith Memorial Chapel in Durham, NH
– Visited the Woodman Institute Museum in Dover, NH
– Visited the Madison Boulder in Madison, NH
– Stayed at Adventure Suites in North Conway, NH
– Had dinner at Moat Mountain Smokehouse & Brewing Company in N. Conway
– Visited the Memorial Arch of Tilton in Northfield, NH
– Visited the Franklin Pierce Manse in Concord, NH
– Visited the New Hampshire Historical Society in Concord, NH and saw the Lake Winnepesaukee Mystery Stone
– Visited the Old Man in the Mountain replica in Hooksett, NH
– Had lunch at LaLa’s Hungarian Pastries in Manchester, NH
– Visited Cat Alley in Manchester, NH
– Visited the Dancing Lion Chocolate Shop in Manchester, NH
– Visited the grave of William G. Bruce in Mont Vernon, NH
– Visited the Swing Bridge in Milford, NH
– Visited the grave of Caroline Cutter in Milford, NH
– Had dinner at Yamato Japan in Leominster, MA with EB

– Did Zombies Run! S1E18 (1.91mi in 29:55)
– Did Zombies Run! S1E19 (1.78mi in 29:05)

Picture of the Week

One of the highlights of this weekend’s New Hampshire adventure: a clamshell bed.

Rejection Log

– 2-day rejection from Clarkesworld for “The Mirrors of Her Eyes”

Links & Accomplishments, 8/13/2017 to 8/19/2017

– Read Wild, by Cheryl Strayed
– Read The Eyes of the Killer Robot, by John Bellairs
– Read “Thirteen Bullets”, by (writing group buddy!) Laurence Brothers (Podcastle #483)

Other Media
– Listened to Stuff To Blow Your Mind, “The Science of Secrets”
– Listened to Writing Excuses 12.32 and 12.33
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “Men Going Their Own Way”

– (Thurs) 30-min free run/walk

Links & Accomplishments, 8/6/2017 to 8/12/2017


ADHD Survival Guide: How I Stopped Procrastinating and Got My Sh!t Together, by Sam Dylan Finch. Regardless of whether or not you formally have ADHD, this is super useful. The possibilities of Todoist sound amazing, although I admit I’m pretty tied into using Habitica for my task list these days.

Car That Caught Fire on Interstate 89 on Friday Belonged to Vermont Gelato. From near my hometown! I feel bad for the owner, but the idea of gelato catching fire is still pretty funny.


I was traveling this week, so there was a lot of reading and play-watching, and not so much exercise.

– Read His Majesty’s Dragon, by Naomi Novik
– Read The Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis

– Wrote story for round 3 of FSOTU, the Codex summer flash fiction contest

Other Media
– Watched the RiffTrax of Final Justice
– Listened to The Training Dummies #172
– Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin #128
– Saw five plays at the Stratford Festival: The School for Scandal, The Virgin Trial, Tartuffe, Timon of Athens, and The Changeling.
– Saw the play The Downs at the Blyth Festival.

– Traveled to Ontario for the Stratford Festival, and visited with my mom there

– (Mon) Ninja Fitness Endurance workout #7, Strength #5, Agility #4, Zen #4

Picture of the Week

Part of my tea haul from my favorite tea shop, Distinctly Tea in Stratford, Ontario.

Links & Accomplishments, 7/30/2017 to 8/5/2017


I found this author’s ruminations on ADHD illuminating, and will probably post most about it at another time.

“In the Court of the Mad King,” by Andrew Shvarts. Scott Lynch tweeted about how modern-day politics makes for jealous fantasists, and Shvarts wrote this story in response. I would read this book, but I sure wish it wasn’t happening in my country.

Craft Beer Names Invented by Neural Network. I think the Strong Pale Ales get the best names, and I would definitely drink a beer called “Thick Back.”

My pal Django has a new fantasy trilogy coming out from Orbit!


– (Tues) Brainstormed with Skye some fixes for the ending of Lioness
– (Weds) Worked on Lioness editing ~1h

– Read “Scattered Along the River of Heaven”, by Aliette de Bodard (Clarkesworld Year Six)
– Read “All the Painted Stars” by Gwendolyn Clare (Clarkesworld Year Six)
– Read “Prayer” by Robert Reed (Clarkesworld Year Six)
– Read “A Silhouette Against Armageddon” by John Wiswell (Fireside Fiction, August 2017)

Other Media
– Listened to The Training Dummies episode #170 and #171
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “The Misnomer of ‘Manterruptions’.”
– Listened to By the Book, “America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money”
– Listened to Stuff You Missed in History Class, “Ibn Battuta, the Traveler of Islam”
– Played a game of Mysterium
– Played a game of Mansions of Madness (second edition)

– Visited with Matt’s parents at the IWANE dog show; went to Bocado in Worcester for dinner
– Had dinner with EB at the Traveler Restaurant in Union, CT
– Hosted a visit from Mike and Josh

– (Mon) Ninja Fitness Agility workout #4, Strength workout #4, Zen workout #3
– (Weds) Zombies Run S1 E11 (2.16mi in 34:28)
– (Weds) NF Zen workout #3
– (Thurs) 30min walk
– (Fri) ZR S1 E12 (2.09mi in 31.13), NF Strength workout #4, NF Zen workout #3

Picture of the Week

A dramatic hibiscus flower in someone’s yard in Framingham.

Accomplishments, 7/23/2017 to 7/29/2017

– Wrote a story for week 2 of FSOTU (Codex summer flash contest)
– Wrote blog post: Becoming Shadowborn: Costuming My Shadowvale character
– Did ~45min of editing on Lioness

– Read “Last Chance”, by Nicole Kornher-Stace (Clarkesworld, July 2017)
– Read “The Bridgegroom” by Bo Balder (Clarkesworld July 2017)
– Finished Heartless by Gail Carriger

Other Media
– Listened to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, “Svalbard: Land of Snow and Apocalypse Arks”
– Listened to Stuff You Missed in History Class, “Catalina de Erauso”
– Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin #127
– Listened to Writing Excuses 12.30
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “Work Fails”

– (Weds) Zombies, Run S1 E9 (2.20mi in 33:29)
– (Mon am/pm; Thurs am) Planks/wall sits x 3
– (Fri) Ninja Fitness Agility workout #3 and Strength workout #3 — and finally gained my yellow belt!
– (Sat) Zombies, Run S1 E10 (2.38mi in 37:35)

Becoming Shadowborn: costuming my Shadowvale character

As I promised back in Into the Shadowvale, I’m going to share the details of my character Melusina’s costuming. Mostly for the benefit of Fair Escape πŸ˜‰

Costuming for this game was fairly simple, in that I made exactly nothing. I am coming to realize that while I enjoy putting together costumes, I rarely enjoy sewing. Thankfully I am at a point in my life where I can just throw money at the problem.

That said, there were a lot of moving pieces, and I’d like to give a nod to all the vendors who made it possible.

Here’s Melusina again, for visual reference. I realize that ALL BLACK ON BLACK is an aesthetic that’s hard to photograph, so I’ll add some pictures of individual items, too.

Let’s start from the top, shall we?

Headwrap: is a lightweight black scarf I found at Savers. I tie it behind my head, and roll one end into a turban (thanks, Shadows of Amun, for teaching me how to do that!), leaving the other to hang. I may do something different in hotter weather; we’ll see.

Hair: Shadowborn are said to have hair in colors of purple or red. I knew I didn’t want to wear a wig, so hair pieces and falls of various sorts seemed the best idea. Thus I opted for these deep purple/black bangs from Damnation Hair.

Credit: Damnation Hair

I was very pleased with this piece! (Although the matching hair falls I bought didn’t work out, for various reasons). It is human hair, which means it’s actually not unpleasant to have hanging in my face, like synthetic hair can sometimes be. The seam where the hair clips in is fairly obvious, and does need to be covered, however — hence the headwrap. I could probably make do with some sort of headband in hot weather.

Lipstick: is a matte lip paint in “Raine Fever” from Coloured Raine, the most enthusiastic cosmetics vendor I’ve ever encountered. (Putting in an order prompts a mailstorm of “wow, we’re so excited to serve you!” messages). Thanks to Abrihette, who plays Samaran priestess Azar, for turning me on to this company.

Credit: Coloured Raine Cosmetics

Elf ears: are custom-painted elf/hobbit/pixie ears from Etsy seller Elven Caravan. Their ears are available in a selection of colors, designed to be to matched your skin tone. They had many other ear options, too, should these ears not suit. I made a good choice as to color, if I do say so myself — I had at least one person tell me I had the “most matched elf ears” among the Faeborn. (In case you were curious, my shade of White Girl is “medium”).

Credit: Elven Caravan

Ear cuffs: are moon and star ear cuffs from Silver Palace, a Thai Etsy seller. Ear cuffs are helpful when wearing elf ears, I learned, to hide the seam where the elf ear meets human skin.

Credit: Silver PalaceTH

Contacts: Shadowborn are supposed to have violet or grey eyes. Problem: I have brown eyes. I could have just ignored this requirement, since I had other clear markers of my elf-ness, but I wanted to do something to nod in this direction. Unfortunately, since I wear prescription lenses, I found my options somewhat limited in terms of colors. (I may just not have been searching hard enough; Ashleigh, who plays Forestborn witch Lairel, had better luck finding weird prescription lenses).

I ended up ordering FreshLook Colors in Violet from 1-800-CONTACTS, which is a fairly normal sort of colored lens — you could probably get them from your optometrist. They definitely add a purple/grey cast to my eyes, but are not as dramatic as they could be. Notably, they also add a bit of a fog to my vision — not impairing, but definitely noticeable — and so required a bit of practice beforehand.

(I tried to take a picture of my purple eyes, but it’s really hard to photograph, folks!)

Here’s a headshot of Melusina, to focus on these details:

Tattoo: Melusina has, for Backstory Reasons ™, a tattoo of the letter ‘M’ on her neck. Given the armor I need to wear, this is rarely visible, but I wanted it to be there, nonetheless. Thankfully, there is such a thing as temporary tattoo printer paper. The biggest obstacle, after that, was the fact that I wanted to use was a PC-only font (Blackadder, a script font), but I needed some functions of Photoshop in order to make the sheet of tattoos, which I only have on my Mac. Much transferring of files was involved in bringing this to life.

Armor: It’s hard to see in the pic since it blends in with my clothes, but I’m wearing a leather tabard/jerkin as my required physrep for three points of armor. The tabard, in black, is from Larperlei, a German Etsy shop.

Credit: LarperLei

Shirt: In the pics I’m wearing a black shirt from The Pirate Dressing (I think it’s the Cap’n Quincy?), similar to one I already own, but which my husband stole for this event *looks meaningfully*. I ended up borrowing a larger size of the shirt from my friend Chris S, who conveniently plays one of the Veiled (a.k.a black-clad undead) in 5G Silverfire.

My other shirt for this event is a “Classic Renaissance Shirt” from Sofi’s Stitches via Medieval Collectibles.

Credit: Medieval Collectibles

Trousers: in the picture I’m wearing a pair of black breeches from Sofi’s Stitches via Medieval Collectibles.

Credit: Medieval Collectibles

I also have a pair of (voluminous!) Viking Linen Trousers from Armstreet, also in black.

Credit: Armstreet

Boots: Are my usual larp boots: Men’s Black Leather Knee High Renaissance Boots, from House of Andar.

Credit: House of Andar

Belt: This is my typical belt for larping, the 2.5″ Ladies Warrior Belt from Ravenswood Leather, with buckled pouch (something similar to the Corsair Satchel, though looped) and two Noble Jack Sword Frogs.

Credit: Ravenswood Leather

Swords: two 46″ longs from B3 Imagination Studio, i.e. Ben Becker’s company. I went for the custom sword design, opting for the angled tip, the flat sides, a round pommel, a wrap showing the phases of the moon, and a silver crossguard in the shape of the crescent moon.

Accomplishments, 7/16/2017 to 7/22/2017

– Wrote two blog post: “Things I may or may not have done at Readercon 28” and “Into the Shadowvale”
– Worked on Lioness edits ~2h 15m

– Read “Dragon Girl”, by Cat Sparks (reprinted in Podcastle #479)

Other Media
– Listened to Stuff Mom Never Told You, “Women and ADHD”
– Listened to Food Stuff, “How Did French Cuisine Become King?”
– Listened to Stuff to Blow Your Mind, “Artificial Gravity: Cosmic Wheels and Hurtling Towers”
– Listened to By the Book, “Past Lives, Future Healing”
– Listened to Writing Excuses 12.29
– Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin #126
– Listened to Ditch Diggers #43

– (Mon) Zombies Run S1 E7 (2.56mi in 40min)
– (Weds) Ninja Fitness Endurance workout #3, Agility #3, and Zen #1
– (Fri) Zombies Run S1 E8 (2.51mi in 38 min)

Into the Shadowvale

Back in May I attended the first event of Shadowvale, a new high fantasy boffer larp using the Accelerant system. I joined this game as a player, making it only my second PC role ever!

The Setting

The Shadowvale is a mist-shrouded, spooky forest on world’s northern continent. At its heart is Wystia Castle, once the seat of power for the long-vanished kingdom of Wystia. The malevolent mists have kept adventurers away from Shadowvale and Wystia Castle for over five hundred years. Now, for some unknown reason, the mists are beginning to clear. Envoys from different nations and fortune seekers from all over the world have descended on Shadowvale — including you.

The Staff

The primary plot writers and game owners are Sue Brassard and her husband Eric Von Riegers, who I mostly know from their time staffing and NPCing Cottington Woods. The staff also includes other Cottington staffers: Matt Mitchell, Holly Bianchi, and Lisa Sants among them. There is also former Cottington player, Madrigal 3 staffer, and all-around badass JJ McGill.

Basically what I am saying is I love and trust all the staff, and that was in large part my motivation for playing! Starting with the final events of Cottington, Holly whispered sweet nothings in my ear of this game Sue was planning which was inspired by fantasy works I loved, like the Elder Scrolls. I also worked extensively with Lisa when I was NPCing Cottington to make the player of the Fen Witch regret his life and his choices, and realize I wanted to be on the receiving end of that kind of deeply angsty personal plot.

(I literally put “get tortured by Lisa” as my number one player goal for this game when I submitted my history)

Character (mine in particular)

So, the first thing to know about my character Melusina is that she started life as a character concept for Crossover, another Accelerant game. I had planned her originally as the fae Melesarla Moon-shriven, a Faithful of the Moon with a history as a disgraced assassin. Eventually I decided that, given when Crossover started, I didn’t have the bandwidth to play. I’m kind of glad I made that decision — it is a tremendously popular game, with a waitlist for every event, and I don’t have the patience for that kind of uncertainty.

But Shadowvale looked like the sort of setting that could accommodate the same general character concept. I made changes to Melesarla to turn her into Melusina, but if you still see traces of a Crossover FotM, that is why!

Character creation in SV is a four-step process, whereby you choose a race, a culture, a class, and optionally a vocation.

Race. Your racial choices are human, Ashen, or Faeborn. The Ashen are basically magicless humans, and the Faeborn are similar to elves, coming in three varieties: Shadowborn, Seaborn, and Forestborn. The Faeborn have costuming requirements that involve elf ears and variously colored hair or eyes.

Loving elves as much as I do, and given the history of this character concept, I of course wanted to play a Faeborn. Shadowborn — who evoked the Dunmer in the Elder Scrolls, Warcraft night elves, or Forgotten Realms drow — were especially appealing, and I could see how to make that work with my character concept. That was the easy choice.

Next, culture. This has to do with the part of the game world that you are from. As I mentioned, there are two continents. The southern continent is dominated by the Samaran Empire, which, as far as historical analogues goes, seems to take inspiration from both the Roman Empire, as well as Byzantine and Arab cultures. Everyone else is on the northern continent, and your options are: Solenim, which is a very Latin-inspired place, known for its sages and universities; Devon and Brenland, the two kingdoms that used to compose Wystia, and are sort of British Isles-y (one more traditional than the other; ask me if I remember the difference!); Avaria, a land of merchant city-states, very Renaissance Italian in its feel; the Free Isles, where pirates come from; and Svordland, which bears a clear Viking/Nordic influence. There were also the Old Forests, the home of the Forestborn, and the Floating Villages, a series of boat-cities, attached to large cities around the coasts, which are often peopled by Seaborn.

Shadowborn could be from just about anywhere, so I let my choice of vocation (more on that in a bit) determine my culture: Avaria.

After reading the Avarian culture packet, I made a comment to Sue that it reminded me of Camorr, from Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastards books. She replied with “Avaria wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for those books.” So, uh, I chose well. In particular, Melusina is from the city-state of Devara, which is again relevant to her vocation.

The culture you choose also informs your choice of names; Avarians apparently have long, Italian-sounding names. Here is where Melesarla — which never sounded right to my ears — became Melusina, which sounds more… well, mellifluous. I added on “Ombras Sarezzo.” “Ombras” reminds me of the Latin word for “shadow”, and Sarezzo is… well, “Sarethi” is a Dunmer name I use a lot when I play a dark elf in Elder Scrolls games; it was kind of a variation on that.

Class. There are five classes, which break down further into a large choice of headers. At the top level, you can be a warrior, rogue, sage, witch, or occultist.

To be honest, I didn’t look at much but rogue. Given the backstory I envisioned for this character, I zeroed in on that class — in particular the assassin header. I also considered the Fae Hunter specialization, but dropped it when I realized that “fae” is not the same as “Faeborn” (something I had to explain many times over the weekend — the game materials don’t really delve into it, and I only know because Sue corrected me on its usage when I submitted my character history).

Vocation. Here is where you can choose things like a craft, a profession, or a faith. The faiths are tied to the culture you choose, which is why I ended up choosing Avaria — because the Lady of Mysteries, the Avarian goddess of night, mystery, and luck (good and ill), was pretty much exactly what I needed. If we’re continuing to compare Avaria to Camorr, the Lady of Mysteries is kind of equivalent to the Nameless Thirteenth god of that pantheon. The header associated with it is called Veiled Priest. In addition to the trait “Faithful of the Lady of Mysteries,” it gains you access to a really nice once-per-twilight free Avoid, and the uber-powerful No Effect to Shadow. I decided that in a game called Shadowvale, that would be the best thing ever.

So that’s me: Melusina Ombras Sarezzo: Avarian Shadowborn Veiled Priest and assassin. What does she look like?

Kind of like this:

(Fair Escape, don’t worry. I’ll be doing a full post about her costuming πŸ™‚ )

The Site

Shadowvale takes place at Camp Frank A. Day in East Brookfield, MA — the site of Cottington Woods as well as Mirror Mirror. As far as camps go, it’s one of the nicer ones — the cabins are a little shabby, and the water tastes like sulfur, but there’s electricity in every space, and the bathrooms are generally clean. The women’s room in the player cabin area has a nice series of mirrors for checking out your costuming, too πŸ˜‰ The new owners seem to actually understand larpers, too, and are fairly tolerant of our eccentricities.

Shadowvale used the space differently than Cottington, and I think it was a good decision. The largest mod space at Frank A. Day is the rec center, usually referred to as “the hangar” due to its size and appearance. It is closer to the road, meaning it’s a bit of trek to get to it from the main camp. My husband jokingly referred to it as “the building that makes the dawn come,” due to how long he had spent in there as a Cottington PC.

Shadowvale does use this a mod space, too, but sparingly. We only had one mod that took place there, the Saturday night “capstone” of visiting the audience chamber of Wystia Castle. Instead of the hangar, staff used McKnight Hall — the camp’s dining hall, which Cottington used as a tavern — as the primary mod space.

Not having McKnight Hall as a tavern has some positives and negatives. A negative is that you can only get to the refrigerators/kitchen during meal times, which made storing stuff there unattractive. (Most people I know opted to keep their food in coolers at their cabin instead). I’m not sure if this is connected at all to why we didn’t have food service at the game. Two of the cabins in the Juniors area were set aside as tavern space, but they were too small for the entire game to gather at once.

I feel like not having a large, central indoor place for people to gather actually turned out to be a net positive. This turned the Juniors area of the camp, which is where PC cabins are, into the primary gathering space, rather than just a place PCs go to sleep. A couple groups (mine included) brought pop-up tents to put up outside, and these quickly became small group gathering spaces — especially when we offered coffee.

If you can imagine PCs wandering between a bunch of small groups, chatting, eating and drinking, and moving on — and NPCs coming there to hook mods — then you can imagine the homely feeling this engendered. I really felt like this, more than anything, contributed to our “town” feeling like the encampment it was supposed to be.

Also, this opened up the possibility of having field fights in Juniors field, which is something I didn’t see much at Cottington.


Obviously, as a player I didn’t have a good grasp of logistics. From my perspective, everything ran fairly smoothly. The only noticeable lack was somewhat out of the staff’s control: NPC numbers. Apparently strep had been going around the local larp community, knocking out a lot of people who had committed to NPC. As JJ recently wrote, one of the most commonly-heard phrases in Monster Camp was, “What’s the absolute minimum you need in order to run that mod?” I know, for example, the mod that was intended to be my welcome mod was postponed until later in the evening, because they literally couldn’t spare the one NPC to run it.

I also noted that we started about an hour late on Friday night. While not great, this was completely understandable, given the lack of NPCs — and isn’t that bad, by all accounts I’ve heard of first event start times.


In a teaser that was sent out before game, we were informed that our parties that had been traveling through the Shadowvale had been overtaken by mist and gotten lost. Mechanically, this meant we would be starting in separate welcome mods.

Also before the first game we filled out a questionnaire concerning which paths we would like to follow. The different paths, with names like “Path of Magic” and “Path of the Imperial”, were mostly flavor, meant to gauge what plots you wanted to be involved in. I don’t recall my response, but I believe I rated the Path of the Rogue, Magic, and Faith highly. Holly, my “in” on staff, informed me later that these were what were used to determine what welcome mod you got.

Sorta. NPC numbers were again a concern. The Path of the Rogue welcome mod actually had to run later that night, because, as I was told, they literally could not spare the single NPC it required. So instead I ended up on (I think) the Path of Magic welcome mod. I found myself on that mod with two other people from my team, as well as two players I was unconnected to.

We were given an ambient Stun effect, to represent the fact that we had passed out or fallen asleep wandering through the mists, and a short time later, a cure for that. We found ourselves in a pool of light, somewhere in the forest. After puzzling through a challenge involving jumpy stones, an enigmatic fae(?) called the Watcher, and a confused-seeming woman named Cora, we found our way back to a way gate — a garden arch lit with purple lights and draped with black cloth. We found the rest of the players milling about there, with news that the encampment we all had been seeking was just ahead. With this, we made our way to our cabins and began meeting our fellow adventurers.

As far as introductions to the game go, I think this was a fine one. Adina of Fair Escape has opined before that she doesn’t like “cold” intros, where the staff just gathers everyone in a common space and says “game on.” This was much better in this regard. If I had any quibbling complaints about this opening, it’s that I could have used a bit more time to get into character before we were thrown into solving a physical challenge.

Oh, and I did finally get my intro mod — just later in the evening. The one other Path of the Rogue player in game (!) is my team member Kim; together, we had to pick locks and disarm traps to free Finn (also Totally Not a Rogue) who was trapped by bandits. (These were the first, of many locks I would open this weekend — Sue and Lisa sure do love their roguery). From there he led us on a series of adventures spanning the weekend, to the purpose of getting his stolen stuff back.

The main plot for the weekend involved the opening of Wystia Castle. Though the mists had receded from around it, still mistwraiths haunted the area, so it was important that we tread carefully. As a result, we would fight mistwraiths again and again that weekend. We learned, too, that humans could be taken by the mists, and what that looked like.

Our explorations started with a visit from the Sages Guild on Saturday morning, talking about what we could expect and what we should pay attention to in exploring the Castle. Many of us also learned the Surveying skill, which would allow us to do the Surveying mechanic. With this mechanic, we were allowed to read certain types of tags found in labeled envelopes throughout the ruins that described a scene; we were encouraged to then describe or draw the scene that we surveyed in our own way.

Throughout Saturday, we explored different parts of the outer castle — the stables, the blacksmith’s forge, the barracks — and discovered different bits of information and treasure there.

This exploration culminated on Saturday night with the opening of the audience chamber of Wystia Castle. We started down the road to the hangar, dogged by mistwraiths the whole way. Outside of the mod building, some of the PCs had the idea to stop and have a sort of… dedication, or oath-taking, as a way of appeasing the spirits resting within. The three priests of the dead among our number — one of whom my husband Matt plays, Silent Priest Torian Eventide — said a few words (improvised and yet quite lovely), and then as a group we knelt and swore that we came with no malice in our hearts.

(This led to a funny exchange: “do you come here with secrets in your hearts?” “Uhhh… Yes?Ò€ “Okay, letÒ€ℒs try that again. Do you come here with secrets in your hearts pertaining to the expedition?”)

When we were done with our dedication, the door to the castle rolled upon under an unseen hand, and a mist-shrouded spirit gestured us in.

What did we find within? A huge space, crawling with mist (courtesy of a fog machine), the lights dim. A royal court in their finery, acting out scenes from five hundred years past, mist lying heavy on their shoulders. Warnings of the court’s demise scattered about the space, in locked boxes; the court blithely ignoring these warnings, when we brought them to their attention.

It was probably the greatest of several spooky, atmospheric scenes the staff laid out for us over the weekend. And, as I said in my PEL, “spooky” and “atmospheric” are adjectives this game did really, really well.

I also want to say a word about a plot tool/game mechanic that was used in a number of mods — regrettably none that I was involved with! One of the sages (played by Matt Mitchell) invited us to engage in some “alternative revisionist meta-history” to explore the past of the world, revisit some myths and legends, and determine the veracity of past events. This turned out to be a spin on the game Microscope, a collaborative storytelling game. I’ve never heard of any game using this mechanic, and I thought it was a great way of getting players involved in building the history of the world.

I did many, many other things this game — explored a creepy mortuary in the sewers and fought an animated trash monster, helped one of the Wardens of the Shadowvale to piece back a ward stone to keep away mistwraiths, and attempted to infiltrate the Brennish delegation to the Shadowvale, to name just a few. But to write out everything I did would require way more space than I have in this post, and hey, that’s why I wrote a PEL.

Combat and Mechanics

Like most Accelerant games, Shadowvale has customized the core rules to suit its own needs.

One of the most interesting additions was “Minor” traits i.e. “Root by Minor Blood.” This is different than a Short, in that the effect can be purged in ten seconds without a rest. I understand SV wasn’t the first game to do this (it might have been 7V?), but it worked well for their purposes.

Shadowvale also has Twilight skills, which are skills that refresh at 6am and 6pm every day. Functionally this divides the game into four periods: Friday evening, Saturday daytime, Saturday evening, and Sunday daytime. Unsurprising, considering the staff, this was inherited from Cottington Woods. I was hesitant about this at first, but it turns out that having a skill that refreshes less frequently than per encounter but more than per event is really handy!

SV also borrows the use of Comatose from Cottington Woods, which allows you to choose to go Comatose when you would otherwise bleed out from called damage. From there you would would need a Cure Comatose, or 10 points of healing, to return to consciousness. This does feel a bit clunky to me, but I admit it would avoid many deaths of the “was wearing black and bled out in the woods” sort. Given my costuming for this game, I am in favor!

Shadowvale’s attribute system is different than I’ve seen, as well. You have Vitality, of course, which determines how many hits you can take before you fall. Then your abilities are mostly powered by the Resilience and Endurance stats. The former tends to be used for defenses and passive effects, while the latter tends to be used for attacks, healing, and other active effects. You also have Determination, which can be used in place of either, but costs more to buy initially, similar to how Void works in some Accelerant games. Unlike Void, however, Determination still refreshes with rest/per encounter.

All that said, I used very few of my skills during this event. Perhaps this was because it was my first time playing a melee skirmisher type character, and I was still getting my footing with that whole “sneaking around behind enemies in the darkness” thing. I had a free per Twilight Avoid as well as an Avoid that cost me 2R, and I don’t think I used either more than once the whole game. Even when Sue’s boss monster in the final fight of the weekend laid into me with a 10 damage!

It could also be a consequence of the fact that this felt like a combat-light game — at least compared to 5G, which sometimes drives us into the ground with combat! I’m not sure if this is intentional, or a consequence of how few NPCs there were.


Folks, I had an amazing time, and I know a lot of other people did, too. I would not be surprised if this game is the sleeper hit of the season. It combines great storytelling from experienced GMs, a world we’re invited to participate in building, and a novel (to me) social dynamic.

My only regret is that there was only one spring game. Now I have to wait until September to get my fix!